C2 Basketball Practice (Games)

C2 Basketball Practice is HTML5 game written in construct 2 engine that simulates hooping.

It have physics and sound effects that gives realistic playing. Hope you will have fun with project.

Code is commented for easy understanding.

Four LED sprite fonts, specially created for this project are included.

View Sprite Font

A larger and more versatile Basketball League game project based on this template can be played here.


How to play?

You have make 20 baskets. If you miss 10 shots, game ends.

There are three zones to make the scores (zone 1 = 1, zone 2= 2 & zone 3 =3)

You can easily make new levels by changing speed, physics and combinations of scores, missed shots and time. The imagination is the limit.

Ready to be deployed for android, windows, ISO & HTML5 platform.

Some free resources used are :
Designed by Freepik
Designed by Freepik
Designed by Freepik

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