Up or down is a script that allow you to run a status checker service to check a website is down or up, get its thumbnail and response time as well. Up or down come with two free themes, one free plugins and tons of features.
Back-end (Login with: admin/admin)
Feature list
- Core feature: Check if website is down or not
- Get website thumbnail if website is up, get server response time.
- Most checked website with average response time
- Theme and plugin system, unlimit future upgrading
- 2 free themes: simplicity and advanced
- Adspot ready
- Changable menu, footer and meta tags
- Built with love and WASD framework
- A computer with network connection
- A php hosting
- PHP version 5.3 or higher
- One sql database on your host
- 10 megabytes minimum free space on your host
- file_get_contents available and enabled on your host