E-learning, Market, Sharing Social System (Social Networking)

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We have a small idea for big system e-learning, sharing open source and market to sell products, source code online.

E-learning to open more courses for trainning every one in the world. Courses will made by we, by you. If You wanna to upload course, we will support upload it to system. With courses of you, earch user join to learn, his must buy it, So you will receive money for your courses.

Market Online: Will upload source code, products ( you, we, or another . etc) user will buy it with credit (fund via paypal to system) you will receive money…

Sharing Online: If you wan’t to share open source, you code… You can upload it and share to every one in the world.

System will use paypal gateway for user fund money to buy source code, buy courses. and benefit will paid for author via paypal.

System will support multi language in frontend site.

You can see it at:

To Setup:
– Unzip source code

– open file app/config/parameters.yml

+ Change database info:

database_name: blog
database_user: root

+ Change rate money user will recive for earch product selled, course selled. by

“rate: 65”

+ Change rate money fund credit to system:

“rateMoney: 20000”

– Import database:

import file DataBase.sql to your system (database included sample)

– Upload source code to Server

– chmod 777 folder and sub-folder:


– chmod 777 folder and sub-folder:


– Change api password, ID paypal open file


find and change:

const API_UserName = "";
const API_Password = "";
const API_Signature = "";

– That All.

Congrats, Your system will running.

Download E-learning, Market, Sharing Social System (Social Networking)

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