PHPultimate class – 25+ useful functions (Miscellaneous)

PHPultimate class is a collection of 25+ PHP functions ( that will be updated with more functions in time ). This class will help you to speed up the process of developing your applications and avoid the rewriting of your functions every time you start a new project.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here.

Functions included :

  • makeSafe : Clear text from HTML/Javascript …
  • is_mail : Verify if the email is valid or not.
  • read_more : Truncate texts.
  • arabize_date : Write any date in arabic letters.
  • createRandomKey : Generate random characters, You can choose either letters or numbers or both.
  • title : Generate a title/slug from a string.
  • redirect : Redirect to another page in X seconds.
  • counter : Redirect to another page in X seconds with a specific message and a counter.
  • YoutubeID : Extract the Youtube video ID from urls.
  • YoutubeVideo : Get all the video information (title,description,thumbnail,rating,author,duration…) using video url or ID.
  • embedYoutube : Embed a Youtube video using url or ID and customize the box (theme, width, height … ).
  • TinyURL : Make any url shorter using TinyURL service.
  • Bitly : Make any url shorter using Bitly service.
  • Adfly : Make any url shorter using Adfly service.
  • googl : Make any url shorter using googl service.
  • alert : Show 4 differents alert (info, error, success, warning ) using one line of code.
  • vimeo : Embed any vimeo video using the video url or ID.
  • ImgurUpload : Upload External images or your own images to imgur.
  • avatar : Get anyones avatar using their email.
  • get_fb_count : Get links stats ( likes, shares ) on Facebook.
  • get_twitter_count : Get links stats on Facebook
  • readPDF : Read your documents using Google docs viewer.
  • More and more …

Changelog :

    Initial release v1.0.00 - 14 Octobre 2014

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Download PHPultimate class – 25+ useful functions (Miscellaneous)

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