AREX – Clinic Management System (Miscellaneous)

AREX is a complete solution for Clinic / Doctor’s Office Management, it is designed to fully automate the process of managing a clinic, from staff creation to patients engagement with the clinic, to reporting, invoice creation, appointment request and management.

AREX also acts as Doctor’s Reservation System, which can be managed via the doctors themselves or their assistants, which serves real-life setup for clinics and doctors’ offices.

With AREX system patients will have access to their medical history anytime through their account, they can view or print it out any time. They will also have access to clinic announcements and their invoices too.

AREX makes life easier for patients, as they can opt-in for email notifications when they have new laboratory report uploaded to their account or when they have been queued for an appointment with the doctor.

With supervisor and admin accounts, users will be able to have full stats and reports of the system

AREX also respects patients privacy, as only the doctor and their assistant(s) can have access to their medical history.

The software will also cover another real life situation where a doctor/assistant will need to know how many patients are in queue for their requested date

The software also comes with language file foe easy translation to any language

AREX is packed with features and has a responsive design that makes it accessible through any computer or portable device

manage general settings
manage users
manage patients
manage laboratory
assign assistant to doctor
view appointments
manage announcements
manage invoices
view reports
view patients’ feedback

view reports
view patients’ feedback

manage patients
view all appointments
manage announcements
view patients’ feedback

view patients history
view lab results
write notes and prescription
order lab tests
refer to another doctor
view appointments
add appointment
answer appointment request

Doctor’s Assistant:
view patients history
view lab results
view appointments
add appointment
answer appointment request

view/request appointment
cancel/confirm appointments
view invoices
view history
view lab results
view announcements
write feedback

upload laboratory reports
view all reports

create invoices
view all invoices

Any of the users (not patients) can have the following custom powers:

1- manage patients
2- view all appointments
3- manage the laboratory
4- manage announcements
5- view stats and reports
6- view/manage invoices

admin: [email protected]
supervisor: [email protected]
secretary: [email protected]
doctor: [email protected]
patient: [email protected]
laboratorist: [email protected]
accountant: [email protected]
doctor’s assistant: [email protected]

password for all accounts: 123

Download AREX – Clinic Management System (Miscellaneous)

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