Facebook Attention Share Generator Viral tool (Images and Media)

Facebook Attention Share Generator Viral tool

Attract the Attention!

Post a Powerful attention on your facebook wall and get the help from your friends to share it

Attract the Attention!

With this amazing simple and effective tool you can attract the attention from almost all your friends!
And if you’re a bit lucky, They will help you promote it and spread the word.

You can generate an Attention image post in 8 (Eye Catching) collors.
You probably already know, When you post an image to your own wall, your friends will instantly be updated by facebook on their desktop, tablet or mobile.
And when your friends like your post, they probably want to help spread the word..
So, Just make sure your post is Very good, Damn funny or Extremely important!!!
And remember NEVER post the same post twice… Don’t OverDo!
If it doesn’t work the first time, it mostly doesn’t work the second time!
It’s better to create a new one. (it’s Fast and FREE)

This is How it works!

1. Choose an Eye popping color, thats fits best to your post.
2. Fill out a form, if you don’t want to use a line, just skip and leave it blank.
3. Post your Attention to facebook and wait till your friends react and share.
Done… Thats it.


– Direct Canvas to facebook uploud (base64 canvas.toDataURI() method)
– No image storage needed
– No MySQL No database No SSL needed
– 2 ad spots
– Easy to transelate
– Bootstrap 3 (retro look design)
– facbook conect
– facebook coments
– Facebook like and Twitter buttons
– 8 Attention collor options (can be cutomized or branded)
– Easy install fill in the blanks upload and go.


Open the set-config.php file and put in your website details and your fb api key
Open add.php en put in your ads or (Google adsense)
Upload the folder to you website

Done thats it

No MySQL No database No SSL needed
Most of the text can be set or transslated in the set-config.php file the rest of the text can be set in info.php


Facbook api key
php 5x

Download Facebook Attention Share Generator Viral tool (Images and Media)

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