Category Bundler (Utilities)

Automatic WordPress Category Bundler and Affiliations

This plugin automatically categorizes a post into its parent or other custom categories. For example, if you have a category ‘news’ with child categories ‘local news’, ‘national news’, and ‘global news’; if a post is categorized ‘local news’ it will automatically be categorized as ‘news’ as well.

This plugin also adds “Affiliations” under the posts menu item. An
affiliation consists of a title, a primary category (except for the Network
Model), and secondary categories. There are three types of affiliations:
Subscription, Broadcast, and Network.

= The Subscription Model =

If a post is categorized in one of the secondary categories it will automatically categorize in the primary category. This works exactly the same way the standard auto-categorization according to category hierarchy works, as described earlier.
But, does this without affecting your actual hierarchy.

= The Broadcast Model =

If a post is categorized in the primary category it will automatically categorize in all the secondary categories. This auto-categorizes in the opposite direction that the Subscription Model uses.

= The Network Model =

If a post is categorized in one of the secondary categories it will automatically categorize in all the other categories.

And don’t worry, if this functionality is bothering you it can be turned off on a post by post basis.

Forget about manually managing the “Homepage Slides” category ever again!

Download Category Bundler (Utilities)

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