MyShop Tools : Widgets, WP Plugin For Etsy Sellers (eCommerce)

A WordPress plugin for Etsy Sellers and Bloggers.

Its purpose is to make sharing and presenting Listings from your Etsy shop (or any other Etsy shop) a Quick and Easy process with beautiful results.

Integrating your shop’s Listings to your Blog is an excellent way to increase exposure to your shop. Moreover, being able to display listings in an attractive way, lets you easily lead promotions on your blog.

MyShop Tools’ Widgets designed to focus on your beautiful products, with 5 Modern and slick themes ready to by used our of the box.

Displaying your Listings is very easy and practically immediate – the only thing required is to drag and drop your preferred Widget. With 4 different Widgets to choose from, achieving the desired look and content is easy and quick.

MyShop Tools : Widgets Features :

  • Display the Featured Listings from your Etsy Shop.
  • Display Your Most Favorited (Hearts) Listings from your Shop or from specific Sections.
  • Dispay the Most Viewed Listings from your shop from specific Sections.
  • Increase and balance listings exposure by display randomly auto-selected Listings from your Shop or Specific Sections.
  • Lead Promotions or Recommendations by displaying Custom Listings from all over Etsy.
  • 5 Beautiful Themes to display your listings, either as sliders or .
  • Includes Metadata such as price and Listing’s category tree.
  • Ajax Enabled. Allows to load listings after page load, to maintain smooth page load, will still displaying the listings in an elegant way.
  • No limit to how many widgets you can display.


I’ll do my best to provide quick and free support to any question you might have. moreover, I’ll be happy to add any feature you find missing, and/or quickly fix any bug you might encounter.

Download MyShop Tools : Widgets, WP Plugin For Etsy Sellers (eCommerce)

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