Fresh Custom Loops – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

Powerful tool to tweak your existing loops. Filter posts, order them, hide them, apply Conditional Logic, etc.

View the screenshots to get a glimpse of all the features.

Customer Reviews

Conditional Logic – Mix the below rules together to pinpoint the exact moment when and where you want to change your loop

  • Taxonomy archives – Categories, Tags, …
  • Posted In Taxonomy – Categories, Tags, …
  • Post types – Post, Page, Media, Attachment
  • Post Extra – Post Format, Page Template, Page Type, View, Special Archive
  • Modules – Active Theme, Active Plugin
  • System – Device, Browser

What options you can tweak:

  • Posts per page
  • Order (Asc, Desc)
  • Order by (Title, Date, etc)
  • Hide posts that do not have Featured Image set
  • Offset – Exclude X number of the latest posts
  • Categorized in – Only include posts that are in a particular category(ies)
  • Tagged with – Only include posts that are tagged with a particular tag(s)
  • Authored by – Only include posts that are authored by a particular author
  • Comment Count – Only include posts that have less or more than X comments
  • Absolute Age – Only include posts that are younger or older than a set date
  • Relative Age – Only include posts that are younger or older than X days/weeks/years from today

You can have as many of these custom loops as you want.

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Our Latest WordPress Theme – NEW!

Download Fresh Custom Loops – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

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