Side Slider Post Navigator (Miscellaneous)

About Side Slider Post Navigator

Side Slider Post Navigator is a WordPress plugin, which can add to Post, Page, E-commerce Product or any other custom Post Type the side navigation buttons to the Prev/ Next Post.
These side buttons also have some extra features – they can display side navigation sliders on hover of them. On these side sliders displayed links to the Prev/ Next Post with some information about Post: posts title, posts date, posts feature image and posts exert.


  • Display next and previous buttons are only on allowed post type (Page, Post and other post type).
  • Next and previous posts can be filtered by taxonomies (Category, Tag, Link Category and other taxonomies).
  • Auto AJAX update posts list in the side sliders when content scrolled.
  • Almost all effects on pure CSS – work fine even when JavaScript support is disabled (or blocking) in web browser.
  • Ability to hide default next and previous navigation links.
  • Support custom button image icons.
  • Support fully customizable colors.
  • Support custom scroll bar on the side sliders.

Principle of action


v1.0 [July 31, 2014] 
-Initial Release

Download Side Slider Post Navigator (Miscellaneous)

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