Easy Real Estate (Miscellaneous)

Easy Real Estates provide you with a quick and easy way to create a real estates site portal. It was build with lots of features that you need for a real estates sites and lots more for advanced.It was designed with nice UI and UX base on bootstrap 3, 100 % reponsive.

Permision level

Admin: can access all page
Agent: can access all page except user management and page management

User: only access frontend


Try Admin Panel :

Try Frontend : here


Full Features

  • Quick installation (input then done, no hand-setup need).
  • Build with Codeigniter Framework, easy to customize.
  • UI buid on bootstrap 3, 100 % reponsive.
  • Google map v3 + preview properties on the map.
  • User register / login. Register activation need or not, user register active via email. User profile, avatar.
  • Membership permision with 3 level : Admin, Agent, User.
  • User submit properties. Admin can accept or reject.
  • Add, Edit properties easy via ajax.
  • Pin package includes , 20 + pin icon includes in the code.
  • More than one languages support, there are english and vietnamese already, you can also add and translate your own very easy.
  • Support multiple currency, you only change currency in admin panel
  • Enquiry system integrated
  • and hundred more.

Change log

-Version 1.0.0 – 11 July 2014

- Realesed


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Download Easy Real Estate (Miscellaneous)

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