NewsstandTemplate (Full Applications)

NewsstandTemplate – universal (iPhone & iPad) Xcode project for publishing iOS app at Newsstand AppStore category.
Working on iOS 6 and iOS 7!
– Awesome image slider with actions
– Supports offline usage
– Image caching
– Easy configurable
– Online updating and adding new issues
– Background downloading
– Updating app icon
– Supports Push Notification (
– Free subscription
– Internal Web browser

How it works?
NewsstandTemplate app will connect to a JSON file (iphone.json or ipad.json) that is hosted on a server (Amazon S3, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.), then download it and parse it. JSON file contains links to PDF files, icon image, cover images etc.

External Files included:
– JSON files for iPad and iPhone version
– Demo PNG images
– PDF isuues

Download NewsstandTemplate (Full Applications)

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