Platform 2D Game Starter Kit (Games)

With this Starter Kit for Construct 2 Scirra, you can develop a platform game genre Super Mario, Sonic, Rayman, and many others.

– Export for Android, iOS, CocoonJS, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Amazon Appstore, Intel AGI, Chrome Web Store, Firefox Marketplace, PhoneGap, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, Open Web App, Kongregate, Ejects, HTML5 website.
– Controls the main character.
– Touch controls for mobile devices (Smartphones and Tablets).
– Home Game (Splash screen)
– Select levels screen
– Pause menu
– Game Over Screen
– A.i 3 types of enemies
– AdMob
– Can only be opened with Scirra Construct 2 R168 (and up)
– The project is also compatible with Google Chorme, IE9, IE10, Mozilla Firefox, Safari e Opera.
– Files: capx, JPEG e PNG (all sprites)

The vast majority of developers can not waste time and need tools to streamline your work. With this kit you will save costs, because most do not need to pay someone to do the basics of your game.
All sprites (drawings) and programming were developed by me. It is easy to understand, and each event has reviews so you know what each function does.

Download Platform 2D Game Starter Kit (Games)

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