Total Video Player (Media)

Total Video Player with HTML5 video and Youtube supports unlimited number of video sequences / adverts with optional video quality for each video and subtitle / captioning support in different languages.

All demo examples included in the download package.


  • Responsive layouts
  • HTML5 video with flash fallback for older browsers
  • Youtube video support
  • Unlimited number of video adverts / sequences.
  • Video subtitles / captioning support.
  • Video quality option (for youtube creates all available qualities automatically, for mp4/ogv/webm videos any number of qualities can be set)
  • Video download support.
  • Optional timed html elements over video
  • Optional skip button with time setting
  • Optional video controls
  • Optional disable seekbar
  • Optional video autoplay
  • Optional video looping
  • Optional video link
  • Optional video end link
  • Optional video description
  • Optional social sharing
  • Optional embedding code
  • Optional logo with link
  • Optional right click context menu
  • Multiple instances in same page supported (example included)
  • Public API
    • Play media
    • Pause media
    • Check media (pause / play multiple players in same page automatically)
    • Toggle media
    • Next media
    • Previous media
    • Destroy media
    • Set volume
    • Seek
    • Toggle description
    • Get title
    • Get description
    • Toggle Sharing
    • Load video
    • Skip Intro
  • Callbacks
    • Setup Done
    • Video Loaded
    • Video Start
    • Video Play
    • video Pause
    • Video End
    • Fullscreen Enter
    • Fullscreen Exit
    • Quality Change
    • Subtitle Change

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Download Total Video Player (Media)

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