Secure admin for Prestashop (Prestashop)

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Secure Admin

Before installing this module please check that your PHP version is greater than or equal to 5.3 without this precaution the module does not work.

Secure Admin is a quick way to keep your party administration secure with ease.

Secure administration of this shop Prestashop is a step often overlooked, with the Secure Admin module this operation will be greatly facilitated.

A form will appear in the module installation to create your super user for basic authentication, form is used to change the name of the admin folder by checking the box provided for this purpose.

You can, in the configuration of the module create users for authentication, you can edit, enable / disable and delete.

The module incorporates a routine that allows you to change the name of your admin folder regularly, the frequency of change is configurable and an email is sent to the administrator stating the new url of the administration party.


  • Packages for Prestashop 1.5 – 1.6 included
  • Securing the administration part 
  • Creating basic authentification users 
  • Edit, delete users 
  • Change admin name folder automatically 
  • Setting frequency change admin folder 


On installation of the module type window will open lightbox where you will be asked to complete a short form to create your main basic authentication user, you can if you want to check the box to automatically change the name of your “admin” folder


The first user created will be defined as the primary user and can not be disabled from the configuration part, be sure to choose the information you enter here.


The creation process is completed successfully and files protections have been created, the page has been updated and your basic authentication identifiers are required.


You can now access the module configuration section where you can find the list of your users


In this section you can create a new user, modify existing, enable / disable and delete.




The “Settings” section allows you to configure automatic routine change the name of your “admin” folder

  • You can enable / disable this feature
  • Enter one or more addresses (s) email to receive the email with the new url
  • Specify the frequency change according to the different options.


An email will be sent automatically to each change of name of “admin” folder


Download Secure admin for Prestashop (Prestashop)

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