Facebook Twitter Responsive Application (Social Networking)

Facebook Responsive Twitter Application Broadcast your tweets to a larger audience by adding a Twitter Tab to your Facebook page and on Mobile access. This app seamlessly and simply connects your Facebook and Twitter accounts, giving page visitors easy access to your latest tweets – including replies, retweets and favorites – while maintaining any links, hashtags and mentions that appear on your timeline.

Features Included

   The application complies with all Facebook terms and conditions.

   Application is 100% responsive and works on every mobile devices.

   Easy access to replies, retweets and favorites.

   Custom headers can be added with front view.

   Seamless parsing of links, hashtags and Twitter usernames within text.

   It is not necessary to be logged on to Facebook in order to access the Admin Control Panel

   Full support for the following browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox

Front End Demo


Admin Demo

User: admin
Password: admin786

Updates and Change Log

05/28/2014 – Version 1.0

  • First release of Facebook Twitter Responsive Application

Download Facebook Twitter Responsive Application (Social Networking)

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