Amazing Rabbit Defense Android Game – ADMOB (Games)

Amazing Rabbit Defense Android Game – ADMOB

Very very addictive games. This is lite version of this app :

You can see how popular it is on google play. You can download apk file from here :

How to play
RabbiTDefence is a classic tower defence game. The goal of the game is to prevent enemies from crossing the map by building towers which shoot at them as they pass by. When an enemy is eliminated, you will earn an amount of money (depending on level of the enemies). With the money earned you can build new towers or upgrade existing ones.

Building Towers: Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen, when you have selected the tower you want place it at a free spot on the grid. By clicking one of the already placed towers a options menu will appear at the bottom of the screen: Sell, upgrade Tower, Fire, Frost or Poison. By using one of these buttons you’ll either sell your tower (getting less money back than you have invested) or upgrade your tower to become more powerful.

To Win: You have to complete all levels without losing all of your carrots. For each enemy that reaches your garden your carrots will decrease.

Interest: You gain interest for how much money you have left after each wave of attackers. If you spend your money wisely while building towers the interest can really add up!

Resume: If you decide to quit the game you can continue at a later time at the start of the current wave and keep all of your carrots, money and towers. The score however will not be kept to discourage cheating. Also, you can only resume a game three times. If you start a new game the old one will be lost.

I will support it if you will get any issues.

Purchase it now.

Thanks You.

Download Amazing Rabbit Defense Android Game – ADMOB (Games)

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