Mouse Media Script (Images and Media)

Responsive Desktop and Mobile Version

Desktop Features Included:

  • Home Page
  • Popular Media Page
  • Categories Pages
  • Search
  • Original Sign In, Sign Up, Forgot Password (Integrated With Mouse Authentication System)
  • Social Networks Authentication (Facebook)
  • Adverts in Sidebar And in Media.
Media Files:
  • Upload From Url
  • Upload Image
  • Upload Video (Youtube, Vimeo, Vines)
  • Make Meme (Upload Image From Website Or From Computer And Create Your MEME, Share It On Website OR Social Networks … OR Save It On Computer …)
You Can:
  • Share Posts On Facebook, Google +, Twitter …
  • See Media Full Page
  • Give Points (upvotes) On Media
  • Add Comments On Media
  • Click and See Next Post
User Profiles has functions:
  • Overview Your Profile
  • See Your Posts
  • See Your Upvotes
  • See Your Comments
  • Profile Settings (Account, Password, Profile, Delete Your Account)
  • Hide Your Profile
Admin Panel (Intagrated With User Profile – admin):

  • Home Page (Time and Date box, Daily Posts, Daily Comments, Daily New Users, All Posts, All Comments, All Users, Notes)
  • Posts Page (Posts Table, Edit Posts, Remove Posts, Remove All Posts, Check All Posts, Pages Navigation)
  • Users Page (Users Table, Remove Users, Remove All Users, Check All Users, Pages Navigation)
  • Categories Page (Categories Table, Add Category, Edit Categories, Remove Categories, Remove All Categories, Check All Categories, Pages Navigation)
  • Comments Page (Comments Table, Remove Comments, Remove All Comments, Check All Comments, Pages Navigation)
  • Settings Page:
    • Website – [Change Logo, Favicon, Watermark, Website Name, Website Keywords, Website Description, Main Page Title, Sidebar Title],
    • Media – [Posts Per Page, Min Length Search, Turn Comments On Website, Turn Social Network Share Buttons, Turn Search On Website],
    • Social Media – [Change Facebook Page ID, Facebook APP ID, Facebook APP SECRET],
    • Ad Management – [Change Small Advert and Big Advert Code],
    • Analytics (Stats Tracking) – [Change Google Analytics Code],
    • RSS – [Turn RSS Feed, RSS Limit],
    • Sitemap – [Turn Sitemap.xml]

Mobile Features Included:


version 1.1
* Add Upload Video (Youtube, Vimeo, Vines)
* Share Facebook Fixed  (Works fine!)
* Edit Admin Panel Pagination function

version 1.0
* Initial Release

Flag Counter

Download Mouse Media Script (Images and Media)

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