FAQ & Knowledgebase (Help and Support Tools)


Explore Webbiscuits FAQ Support to compile the frequently asked questions on your website..

With FAQ Support, you can now compile all your answers to many of the questions that people always asked about. Simply write them with the WYSIWYG editor and that is what it takes to get them published and organized on your website with search and categories browsing capability.

Providing FAQs as knowledgebase for your products and services saves you time for answering commonly asked questions.

What Can You Do With FAQ Support

Cater For Future Growth
FAQs is the main source of information where all important tutorials and tips about your products and services are maintained and updated as your business grow

Provide Instant Solutions
Users can perform search on product FAQs and find solutions easily and faster without waiting for answers.

Save Time & Manpower
All commonly asked questions can be found here. Hence, less time and manpower are required as less inquiries are posted by users. .

Webbiscuits FAQ Support easily integrated into your existing website. Just copy and paste few lines of codes after you have customized your faq page.

How Does it Work? (3 easy steps)

Step 1: Upload the entire script folder to your web hosting account using FTP. Run the 1-step installation wizard.

Step 2: Create your FAQ with question and answer, select multiple categories and enter the keywords for your users to search.

Step 3: Insert few lines of codes in your web pages to get the FAQ front-end to display. Your knowledge base is ready!

Key Features

Frequently Asked Questions
\ Search Engine Friendly URL (SEF)
\ Browse and search for FAQs by keywords
\ Multi-level FAQ categories
\ Redirect answer to specific URL and open link in a new or same window
\ Display recent added FAQs & most popular questions
\ Select FAQs display layout
\ Visitor ratings, print FAQ, Tell-A-Friend
\ Email FAQ link
\ Enable user to post questions through email
Compile Your FAQ With HTML Editor
\ Create and write FAQs using HTML editor which is compatible with IE, Firefox and Mozilla web browser
\ Choose FAQ category, date posted or updated, enter question and keywords, upload file attachment
\ List or search to edit and delete any FAQ
Integrate With Customer Helpdesk
\ Integrated with Webbiscuits Customer Helpdesk for visitors to post support tickets
\ Likewise, Helpdesk ticket content can be added back as FAQ
Easy-to-Use Back-End System
\ Add, edit and update questions, answers and categories
\ Assign a FAQ into multiple categories
\ Prohibit unlimited FAQ ratings per person
\ Define notification & Tell-A-Friend emails
\ Notify administrator when users submit their questions
\ Manage user questions, status & other information
\ Time Zone settings and CSS

Customer Support

Greatly Help Documented

Our documentation is like a mini handbook. It covers everything you need to know. Check documentation page from here


Please feel free open a helpdesk ticket from our web site .


Download FAQ & Knowledgebase (Help and Support Tools)

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