Bookingo Hotel Booking System (Miscellaneous)

Bookingo Hotel Booking System – is the perfect platform to manage reservations, room availability, take payments online and keep you in contact with frequent guests, and even promote online your hotel benefits and features.

User: admin

Pass: demo123

The Bookingo Hotel system includes a database that you can customize from a control panel, which may include room inventory with picture, description and price, as well as the number of adults and children per room. You can also review the reservations, sales and cancellations, allowing you to take control of your business at the time you required.


  • Real Time Inventory
  • 2 Paypment Gateways, more coming soon…

Bookingo Hotel is divided into two areas:


Admin Panel:

How it works?

The way the system works is:
1. Add Hotel information
2. Create Room inventory
This will be use to make reservations on the website.

Download Bookingo Hotel Booking System (Miscellaneous)

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