Belanja – Online Promotion Apps (Templates)

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Belanja – Online Promotion Shop is an application made for creating product online store promotions applications, this app created by Android for client side and then JQuery Mobile for Admin side. In this app, benefit you can get is you not need to understands android programming, just configure a URL on Android Side like create WebView app, but don?t worry client side in jQuerymobile can view every product you have and display very good in most of Android Device. On Admin side you can add unlimited category of product, unlimited product do you have, then you can delete, update or change that product or category, add currency, change admin password with generate password, etc.


1. Android Side.

       – Android WebView function build by Eclipse.

       – Not need programming again, just follow this apps documentation include this apps.

       – Can view many of product and picture adding by admin side.

       – Every product can display with discount or best sales.

       – Using timer in every product view in this apps, so if time of product view expired, product can’t be

        view again in apps.

       – Created by JQuery Mobile v1.4.1 so not just in Android Devices you can see this apps, can view in

        other phone but for the bonus created a apps using Eclipse so you can put in Playstore Store after

        register in Googleplay.

2. Admin Side.

       – Create many of category of your product.

       – Add, Edit, or Delete many of your product on every category you created, change currency, or

        adding a store you want to joint with your apps.

       – With timer function of every product in this apps.

       – Display black color for expired date, yellow for waitting list product view, and normal color if your

        product view in apps on page product in admin side.

       – Can add discount or not and view different word for that in your apps.

       – Admin side with page product, category, store, currency and admin side using full access to add,

        edit, or delete functions.

       – Admin account can be changed with bonus generate password.

3. Bonus.

        Include design icon, created by Inkscape or open using any vector software

Testing Apps

After Buying

Download Image for same like on Web Preview

If you already buy then want your apps same like this preview on website, Download here., Then move image to folder “img” on “admin side”, then import example database from project files :)

Belanja for IOS



You can email me at [email protected] for reported bug and give me a suggestion for improving this app, i am very appreciate that :)

Appreciate my work :)

rate it


We will can’t created this app if not using this many free code and free image source, so thanks to :

1. All image from here. : here.

2. JQuery Mobile Framework. : here.

3. FlexSlider. : here.

Download Belanja – Online Promotion Apps (Templates)

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