Beetle Game With AdMob (Games)

About this game…

This is an easy game. There are many variety items in game screen. The beetle wants to eat the eatable items and avoid the bad items by rolling over and over forward. The forward direction is controlled by leaning the device to right or left. The forward speed is on the decrease gradually. Then it is possible to increase the speed by releasing the gas of beetle.

The item is packed with AdMob template. You can exchange the AdMob Publish ID and make money only for you…

Check out the demo.

Some Descriptions

  • This item is java project.
  • This item includes one game apk file.
  • This item includes two PSD files used making the resources of this game.
  • All the Image files and Sound files that included, you can use them in your other projects.


  • Supports Android 2.1 onwards
  • Enable AdMob instantly
  • Uses cocos2d
  • Perfect images

Download Beetle Game With AdMob (Games)

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