Save time and simplify your life by having the ability to create a new Customer directly on the WooCommerce Order screen.
What it Does
This plugin is a must-have for any WooCommerce store; we too are Shop Managers and developed this to greatly simplify our workflow.
The Current Situation
Currently, to create a new Order manually for a new Customer, a Shop Manager needs to go to the User section, create the new User, choose a random username, add a temporary password manually, email that password in the clear (security risk). Once the User is created the Manager can navigate BACK to the Order screen to create a new Order for that Customer. (Hassle)
Our Plugin
Now, with this plugin, all you need to do is add a new Order and click the Create Customer button. Fill in their email address (and First & Last Name if you have them) – and that’s it. The Order can then be completed for that new User without leaving the screen.
Create User on Order then takes care of the previously time consuming work by immediately and automatically sending the customer an email detailing how to securely set a password and log into their new account.
AND the Shop Manager can then save the billing and shipping addresses BACK to the Customer profile directly from the new Order. Which by itself is an incredibly useful piece of functionality.
Once the new Order is created, the Manager can email the invoice for payment directly to that new customer in the standard way.
Great For:
- Creating orders manually for new customers, over-the-phone or email
- Saving time and effort for Managers
- Generating sales and engagement by minimising the hassle for customers
- Assisting customers with difficulty ordering for the first time
- Empowering customer service managers with better, more efficient tools
- Any WooCommerce store!
Happy conversions!
1.01 * Added ability to choose the role of the new user * Updated so nickname and displayname is dynamically set using a combo of firstname lastname and if they are left blank will use the first part of their email up to the @
1.0 * Initial release