TanyaCMS is a professional question & answer software (QAS), suited for anyone who want to create a question & answer community site. TanyaCMS created the clever idea of the site quora.com and stackoverflow.com, developed using PHP + MySQL + Zend Framework and other advanced technologies.
TanyaCMS for anyone, business, corporate, institutional, government, community, or personal website. Be the first.
Demo links
Check the functionality of the site, whether you need this app?
Front end: http://demo.fbschool.com
- Sign as USER:
- Username: Busett
Password: demo1 - Username: Yozzy
Password: demo2
Admin Panel: http://demo.fbschool.com/?/admin/
You may need to twice enter your username and password, first to sign in the site, and the second to sign into the admin panel.
Username/email: Strawberry
Password: super123
Server requirements
- Web serving software such as Apache, IIS, nginx, (Apache or nginx recommended efficient performance).
- PHP 5.2.10 or later for all functionality.
- MySQL 5.0 or later, the server needs to support MySQLi or PDO_MySQL.
- Support GD library or ImageMagick. Recommended to use ImageMagick, when dealing with large files for better performance.
Installer Wizard
TanyaCMS takes 2 minutes (or less!) to install.
General Features
Search Engine Optimization
- SEO Friendly URLs
- Custom META keywords/description tag
- Installation Guide
- Public Q&A Forum
- Standar Installation Services
- Extensible user Profiles
- URL Rewriting
- Interface Localization
- Metadata
Standards Compliance
- Content Syndication (RSS)
- Content Syndication: RSS, Atom, XML
- PHP v5.4 compatible
- GD Library Support
Seamless Integrated Experience
- Single Permission System
- Single Admin Control Panel
- Create a continuous Style/theme
Control Panels
- Super Admin
- Easy to management
- Verification code for Control Panels
User/Member Management
- Multi-user system with unlimited roles and permissions
- Member groups
- System groups
- Security
- Problem Notification
- Captcha
- Email Verification
- Ajax Login System
- Email and Password changes require current password
- Compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998
Question and Answer Features
- 2 level hierarchy of Category
- Unlimited Category/Subcategory
- Switch category function (on/off)
- Category to navigation menu
- Easy ajax to choose category
- Category to menu navigation (Icon mode, Text list mode)
- Topic and Category (Share/Invite friends)
- Admin tools: edit, delete, move, lock, etc.
- Email page to friend option
- Unlimited Topic
- Topic Discription
- Topic modify records
- Related topic
- Follow/Unfollow topic
- User followed
- Picture topic
- WYSIWYG Markdown editor
- Auto meta discription
- Filter list question (All questions, Unanswered, Popular)
- Full information of the question
Page Topic Square
- List Popular Topic
- Filter Topic (Square, Have Concern)
- List All topics with Ajax
- Info topic (snipet discription, number question, participan, etc)
- Info Card topic
- Shortcut Follow/Unfollow Topic
- Info topic edit
Posts Question
- Supports Markdown Code in a question
- Markdown WYSIWYG or standard editors for question and Private Messages
- Avatars Owner
- Attachment images (.gif, .jpg., etc.)
- Preview post option
- Polls (Thank)
- Post Reporting – report question to admin
- Info IP Address
- Add/Edit Topic
- Share (External website, Message, e-Mail)
- Admin tools: edit, delete, redirect, lock, etc.
- Question status (Activity, Views, Following)
- Invite people to reply (Internal invitation, Email invitation)
- Reviews Question
- Reply Reviews Question
- Reply Question
- Anonymous Reply
- Fold Reply
Member Features
- Member Profile Pages. This information can be viewed by other members from the member list. URL home page, date of birth, location, occupation, biography, interests, Reputation, Count “Agree” and “Thank”, Send private messages, Ask her/him, Follow/Unfollow and related content information: reply, ask, latest post, follow, etc.
- Account Settings (Basic information, Privacy\reminder, Security Setting)
- Allows members to upload pictures that can be viewed in the user’s profile.
- Private Messaging
- Followers List
- Notification
- Signature Editor
- User Card (Ajax)
Avatar Options
- Custom Avatars – upload from own computer
Private Messaging
- Private Message Tracking
- User can also enter 500 words
- User can’t sent message to yourself
- Hierarchy interface
- Ajax Search User
- Notification Messaging
Privacy & Permissions
- Permission system (System group), based on user (Usergroup)
- Anonymous (Post/Reply)
- Email and password changes require current password
- Mention in post review and comments
- Fully ajax in search, more question, user card, topic card, etc
Feature Topic
- Contains multiple topics
- Unlimited Add Feature
- Feature Alias
- Special icon
- Customized page layout
- Add to navigation menu
- Ajax search system
- Search question, topic or person
- Ask a question with search input
Home page (for members)
- Filter question (Latest post, My draft, My favorite, Followed questions, All questions, Invited me)
- Latest post list (includ title, date, count reply, follow/unfollow, etc)
- List interested people or topic
- Invitation
- Ajax for more question
Question page
- List All Question
- Filter question (Latest, Hot, Unanswered)
- Count Replay
- Detail question info (category, owner, date, count participat and view)
- Popular Topic
- Hot users
- Ajax for more question
- Category Navigation
Notice page
- List All Notice
- Notification setting
- No unread item
- Ajax for more question
User list page
- List All User
- User reputation
- Follow/Unfollow User
- Includ information Avatar, Reputation, Agree, and Thank
- Ajax for more question
Users & Usergroups
- User registration options
- User banning
- Limit on reply to each question
- Unlimited FrontAdmin and SuperAdmin
- Permission system (System group), based on user (Usergroup)
- Allow user to answer own question (Yes/No)
- Allow anonymous post or reply (Yes/No)
- Add new usergroup
- Group invitation
- Group send Email
- Default Follow after registration
Account Settings
- Basic information
- Contact us
- Education
- Work experience
- Message setting
- Email setting
- Notification setting
- Change password
- User Card
- Topic Card
- FrontAdmin admin for frontend
- Attachment thumbnails (requires PHP to have GD enabled)
- Protected Link for digital download (only members)
Styling & Templates
- Powerful Templating System
- Conditionals supported in the templates
- Ability to create multiple styles which can be applied to different sites
Template Engine and Layouts
- Proprietary template engine
- Template/Skins
- Full CSS layout and design
- Sitewide templates: you can create an entire site using a default set of templates
- Powerful, fast and suitable for robust development
- Add-ons and Plug-ins
- Easily extensible through a plug-in architecture and variety of accessible plug-ins
Control Panel
Site information
- Site name
- Site description
- Site keywords
- Website home page
- External URL adress of uploaded category
- Absolute path of uploaded file
- Static category resource URL adress
Register and vist
- Time zone
- Closed site
- Display verification code when new users register
- Require Email verification when new user register
- Membership only by invitation
- Username rule
- Minimum and Maximum character of username
- Filter Username
- Default user ID after registration
- Recommend list of user when login for the first time
- Number of invitations new users get with registration
- System send Welcome Letter when new user register
Site function
- Site notice (Support for HTML)
- Enable/Disable Rewrite
- Statistics on Online members
- Online members Statistics Time Range
- Notice unread refreshing time
- Automatic locking time
- External Site statistics code
- Question report reason option
- Recipients report
- System time display format
- Backend verification code
Content setting
- Asking mode (Shortcut mode, Advanced mode)
- Uploading attached (Enable/Disable)
- Legal determine attachment
- Maximum of attachment size
- etc
Credits and Reputation
- Use credit system
- Owner agreement with object reputation coefficient
- Best replyReputation coefficient
- Minimum value of log
User permission
- Limit on reply to each question
- Allow user to answer own question
- Allow anonymous post or reply
Email setting
- System email sending option
- Acceptance test Email address
- Original Email of System Email
- Choose interface style
- Number of new posts to display
- Notice display number
- Page displays a list of issues and the number of users
- Homepage recommend user and topic number
- Number topic recommendation
- Number my followed topics
- Navigation setting
- Editor (Markdown editor, Text editor)
- Content Review
- Question list
- Category setting
- Move group questions
- Topic List and search
- Manage Feature
- Manage Report User
- Filter words
- Online members
- Members List
- Edit user information
- Manage Usergroup
- Add a user/usergroup
- Group invitation
- Job setting
- Suspended user
- Register statistics
- Question statistics
- Reply statistics
- Topic statistics
- Topic of the day
Group send Email
- User group management
- Task management
- Update Cache
- Update search index
- Database Maintenance (backup, restore)
- Update user reputation
- Convert BBcode
Need help?
If you need help you can write to me on Developer TanyaCMS
Do you have a service for changing some code?
Yes, it’s paid service
Do you have a service for build awesome themes?
Yes, it’s paid service
I found some bug, what i should to do?
If you’ve found a bug in our software, write to me on Developer TanyaCMS
When will be next update?
Next update will be after 300 sales