Follow My Blog Post plugin allows your users to follow changes on a particular post/page for your WordPress site.
- Visitor can opt to follow the post with or without creating a user account.
- Visitors can unfollow the post at any time using a link from email or from website via unfollow button.
- Followed posts displayed with number of unique visitors following the post.
- Administrative panel to view page/post wise followers with option to disable the follow for any follower.
- Ability to log all emails to database and view the log of emails sent per post / per user.
- Ability to confirm email for the subscription.
- Each post, page, or custom post type on your blog have individual settings in Metabox to disable follow button or disable Email notification for particular post.
- Includes a short code, [wpw_follow_me], that can be used to place the follow button on any page or post at any position.
- A clean & user friendly admin UI to manage everything.
Please see the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.
Need help? Please be sure to read the Documentation. If you’re still stuck you can contact through our support platform or email us on [email protected] for any pre-sale inquiry only.