Facebook timeline cover effects generator (viral app)
It’s a Full stand alone app to create funny and creative facebook cover effects in 3 easy steps.
1. Select an effect and upload your own or your friends photo.
2. Crop the area you want to use from the photo and go to the next step.
3. View the generated cover download or upload the cover to facebook.
After upload facebook friends will see the status update and will see an wall post on the users wall with a link back to the script and or also an Extra link to any website you like!
30 facebook cover effects
Photo upload (auto destroy) upload photos and generated covers.
watermark on generated covers (optional)
Upload to facebook.
Facebook Wall post mesage plus a link back
Extra promotion text and link in the facebook walpost
Facebook update notification when a cover is uploaded
Download cover to user pc drive
Well placed adspots on all pages
Donation button ready (paypal)
Share buttons
Build on bootstrap
No ssl needed
No database or MySQL needed
No image storage (for the generated covers)
Easy install jus edit one config file.
Works on domain, subdomain or in a subfolder
php4x or beter
GD library / imagemagick