Featured Background Images (Media)

What can I do with this plugin?

Use your Post and Page Featured Images automatically as a full background, set a Default Background Image in your Settings and make your theme look awesome!

How does that work?

The WordPress Featured Image function is used and expanded. No need to add extra code to your template, just plug and play and adjust your background image per post or page if you want.


  • Converts Featured Image into a background
  • Adds extra column to Posts and Pages overview
  • Set a default background image

Where can I see it in action?

I will have a demo-site up and running a.s.a.p.
In the meantime check the screenshots for some examples:


If you feel there is something missing from this plugin or you have suggestions for improvement please leave a message at the Comments section of this plugin and I’ll look into it.

Download Featured Background Images (Media)

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