Instant Job Search Engine Aggregator (Miscellaneous)

Instant Job Search Engine is a job aggregator that searches multiple jobsites including: Indeed, Career Jet, CareerBuilder, SimplyHired and Monster all at once. You can browse jobs by Category or Location as well as being able to Search Jobs in realtime. Furthermore the job site is user-friendly, responsive, and customizable for any niche you can think.

Installation is simple, no database required, just upload and go. You will have a fully running job site in minutes.


  • All-in-One multiple job site search engine
  • Generate instant niche job sites
  • Search by location (country) and category
  • Make money with Ads
  • Fully Responsive
  • Light weight Twitter Bootstrap theme
  • iPhone & iPad compatible
  • No database required (only one configuration file)
  • Easy to use

Download Instant Job Search Engine Aggregator (Miscellaneous)

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