Sample Mobile App
A beautiful Circle menu, tired of being ordinary? making regular type apps and using all the same and default Android skin in all of your mobile apps?
Wanna be creative and respect the design of your apps too from now on? Use the Circle Menu library rather than just using the same and default styles here and there and make your apps designs much more beautiful to finally impress your buyers or users
The Circle Menu Library is a bunch of OOP classes that you can set its properties to fit it properly and beautifully based on your needs and design view on the Stage and add the items that are going to rotate and that’s it, just initialize it and enjoy
Important Features:
- Simply add items to rotate
- HTML text support for the large preview images descriptions
- Each of the XML and JAVA parts are individually accessible
- Different deivces screen sizes has been fully taken into consideration
- Everything dynamic
- And much more detailed settings…