WooCommerce Role Discount (WooCommerce)

Before this plugin, there wasn’t any possible way to create different discounts for different user roles.

With this plugin, you can take advantage of WooCommerce`s built-in Coupons system and WordPress` User Roles. Add as many custom roles as you want and create different discounts for them. As this is based on WooCommerce`s Coupons system, you can simply exclude/include products, users or anything else.

This plugin is in English, but is also translated into Estonian and supports any other language as well!

Fully compatible with WordPress 3.6!

Demo login

Username: warehouse
Password: warehouse
URL: Click here

Log in and go back to home page and as you can see, if products are added to your cart, then you will have a 10% discount (as seen in the screenshots).

Download WooCommerce Role Discount (WooCommerce)

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