Advanced User Management System (Forms)

The Advanced User Management System was developed to help you protect random people from accessing certain pages of your website. It allows you to manage every aspect of your user base. Below are some of the features the system allows you to do;

- Create, read, update and delete users
- Built in Access Control List (ACL)
- Private messaging system
- Built on top of the bootstrap framework

This system has a built in Access Control List allowing you to create user groups allowing your system to be that more flexible.

Private Messaging System – It also has a built in private messaging system allowing your users to communicate with each other (should you want this) This feature can easily be disabled and the user would never know it’s there.

99% of the system is configured from the backend of the application so you aren’t required to manually change any of the application code. Those small bits that do require you to change code the system guides you through it.

It also uses the latest version of twitter bootstrap so styling is easy!

Administrator / Developer – Account
Username: admin
Password: password

Username: carl.evison
Password: password


Download Advanced User Management System (Forms)

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