This is powerfull jQuery plugin for easy scroll animations. If you want to impress your visitors with modern effects this plugin is right for you.
- 20 Animation effects – fadeIn,fadeInUp,fadeinRight,fadeInDown,fadeInLeft,fadeInUpBig,fadeInRightBig,fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeftBig,bounceIn,bounceInUp,bounceInRight,bounceInDown,bounceInLeft,rotateIn, rotateInUpRight,rotateInUpLeft,rotateInDownRight,rotateInDownLeft,puffIn,random,randomFade, randomFadeSmall,randomFadeBig,randomBounce,randomRotate
- Option to animate elements right now when page is loaded
- Possibility to specify different options for each element.
- Custom speed, delay and easing
- Fallback to native jquery animate method when browser not support transitions