askBird – Question&Answer Social Platform (Social Networking)

Question&Answer social platform, that allows to create site with anonymously questions. You can see a lot of screenshots at screenshot page.

Video demo: YouTube
Admin demo: Admin panel

Login: admin
Password: qwerty

User page: Profile example

Static page example: API Documentation


  • AJAX Load news
  • Show news, if user answered question or changed status or changed avatar
  • AJAX Search system
  • Search with parameters
  • AJAX Load more results
User settings
  • Edit city, name, surname, gender
  • Privacy settings
  • Design settings (upload background, set background color, background position)
  • Change password
  • Flash avatar upload
  • Easy to install widget for blog
  • Follow system
  • AJAX follow, unfollow
  • User’s followers/followings pages
  • Profile pages
  • Notifications about new questions
  • AJAX edit status
  • Show followers/followings
  • Delete avatar
  • Complaints(reports) on users with comment
  • Anonympusly/non anonymously questions
  • User answers
  • AJAX Load more answers
  • Verifying labels
  • Show user is online or when last seen
  • Admin panel
  • Multi Language panel
  • Edit, create and delete static pages (SEO friendly)
  • Edit and delete users (AJAX Users search)
  • Delete, view complaints,
  • Site statistics
  • Change password
  • Edit site configuration (SEO settings, caching, default language)
  • Script
  • Multi Language (easy to edit .ini language files)
  • Smarty templates
  • Using PDO
  • Caching user pages
  • All platform (not admin) code is good commented
  • Great API to develop modules (router class, user class, config class etc.)
  • API for third-party developers (get user info, user followers)
  • Automatically installation (1 step)
  • Redirecting on “badbrowser” page, when JavaScript is turned off
  • Security
  • Send AJAX requests with unique hashm that prevent CSRF attacs
  • Prepared statements on SQL queries
  • Login ban system for 3 minutes (if user typed wrong data more than 10 times)
  • Even logout protected from CSRF :)
  • Download askBird – Question&Answer Social Platform (Social Networking)

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