Mobile Website Wrapper for iOS (Templates)

This Template simply wraps your website (normal or mobile optimised or even pdf file) and displays perfectly. Comes with back and forward buttons and these allows you use it as an in-app browser as well. Special Home button brings you to your pre-defined page when user tap on the home button. Share whatever you are displaying simply and efficiently. Contact us page brings your customer back to you with a single tap through call or email.

This project is written in Xcode 4.5 using the iOS SDK. This app currently supports iOS 5+ and using ARC. Storyboards used in this project so that customising is pretty simple.


  • Universal app.
  • Supports both iPhone, iPhone 5 and iPad.
  • Custom home page button to return to home page wherever the user is
  • Refresh button to reload the view
  • Nice animated progress indicator that animates when web page loads and disappears when loading finished
  • Complete Xcode Project
  • StoryBoard supported
  • ARC
  • Supports iphone 5
  • Retina Display Ready
  • Supports Portrait and Landscape Orientation
  • Learn and customise navigation bar and barbutton items
  • Well explained code. Documentation included
  • Able to customise easily since it is using storyboards
  • Share the page to Facebook, twitter, email and print.

Download Mobile Website Wrapper for iOS (Templates)

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