Disqus Comments Box in PHP (Social Networking)

A simple php class which is used to add comments section in any
php web page of your web site to start new discussion by using disqus blog/forum


  • A simple PHP class.
  • Easy Integration by using 3-4 lines of code.
  • ASP.Net Version is also available on codecanyon

Guidelines for setting up blog/forum on Disqus:

  • Create an account
    in disqus
  • Register or create new blog/forum in disqus dashboard.
  • You can apply different settings for newly created blog/forum.

Guidelines for adding comments box control in PHP web page:

  • Copy disqus.php class file in your project.
  • Include this class in your required web page.
  • Add the following lines of code in your PHP page.
            $disquss = new DisqusCommentsBox(array("ThreadTitle" => "First PHP Forum POST","ForumName" => "testforum","ThreadIdentifier" => "uniqu12453","Sandbox" => false));
  • Change values of array keys (ThreadTitle,ForumName,ThreadIdentifier,Sandbox) according to your own website/forum settings.

Download Disqus Comments Box in PHP (Social Networking)

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