Image / Ad Popup Plugin for WordPress (WordPress)

Image / Ad Popups is an easy to use plugin that allows you display any image whether it be a banner image, ad image, picture, image with an announcement or message, eCommerce product sale banner or affiliate offer image on any page or multiple pages on your site.

Key Features

  • Easy to use dashboard. No coding required!
  • Upload an image or enter a URL (including YouTube videos)
  • Set width and height of popup
  • Page level Targeting (different popups for each post/page, choose a popup for all pages or all posts or for the home page or logged in users only)
  • Enter the URL for clicks on your popup (can be on your site or on another website)
  • Open Delay (open popup delay in seconds)
  • Hide popup after x impressions or x days
  • Customize the overlay (area around the popup) by choosing the color and opacity/transparency
  • Close button (optional)
  • Analytic statistics including impressions, clicks and conversion rate

Download Image / Ad Popup Plugin for WordPress (WordPress)

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