Easy WordPress Scroller (WordPress)

Easy WordPress Scroller is a Premium WordPress Plugin which allows easy scrolling of the WordPress Page/Post from Top to Bottom and vice versa. Easy WordPress Scroller Buttons are placed on top and bottom of the site. You can choose to place the Scroller Buttons on the left or right side from the Settings Page. This Plugin gives much comfort and the user can easily scroll long WordPress Pages/Posts. Your visitors will love you for giving this feature on your site.
Once the Plugin is Activated it works automatically. In the Settings Page you can select the button style. We have 100 buttons to choose from. You can also choose your own custom button images through the browse option.


  • It works automatically when the Plugin is activated.
  • 100 Button types to choose from.
  • Custom Button Image can be picked using the Browse button.
  • It has an option ON/OFF to display the Scroller Buttons.
  • Option to turn OFF the Plugin.
  • Show the Scroller Buttons in Left or Right side.
  • Should work in all major Browsers and WordPress themes.
  • Simple and Easy to Use.

Download Easy WordPress Scroller (WordPress)

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