WIP Mega Menu is simple and easy to use WordPress plugin to enhance your horizontal site menu. Comes with drag and drop admin system to build your mega menu layout and content, simple settings no “headache” 50+ options, and for developer you can extends the plugin features to fit what your client needs without touch the plugin codes (more safety when the plugin gets updated)!
Watch how this plugin work here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEaPEjjqqxs
Need to extends the plugin features? follow the example here https://github.com/webinpixels/extends-wip-mega-menu
Tested with WordPress 3.5.2, PHP version should follow the WordPress requirements
Plugin Features
- This plugin inject your current menu with mega menu features, this plugin WILL NOT changes your menu design (we believe that the theme author had put some work to design the menu to match with the rest of the theme design) – if your menu work with custom walker class, please let us know ASAP, so we can help you to merge your theme menu walker class with the plugin walker class
- 2 default skins, dark and light, or disable the skin and you can styling the mega menu in your theme css
- Drag and drop content management
- 4 default content modules, Nav menus, post lists, post carousel, and textarea/html (shortcode allowed)
- Developer : easy to extends the plugin features (add more content modules)
- Smart templating system, you can override the content structure easily without affraid to loose your changes when plugin gets updated (please follow the documentation)
- Documentation, .pot (for translation on admin) included
- Font Awesome
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery swiper slider
- Images on demo, purchased from PhotoDune
Many Thanks!