Please go to WordPress Advanced Rating Shortcode for check out demo action.
WordPress Advanced Rating Shortcode is good rating shortcode for wordpress.
WordPress Advanced Rating Shortcode allow you can single rating or multi rating display, can choose custom shape, custom color and custom size for display rating.
WordPress Advanced Rating Shortcode very useful for wordpress review website.
Don’t forget rating for this plugin if you enjoy. Thanks you so much.
- Shortcode with custom image size, 10 colors and 5 shapes.
- Single or multi rating shortcode ready.
- Rating shortcode support for all anything. (post, page, custom post type,…)
- Drag & Drop re-order rating shortcode label & value.
- Language .po file ready for translate.
- Multi rating shortcode display in single post/page.
- Support for newest wordpress version.
Multi ratings display
Insert rating shortcode for post/page
Change logs
27/06/2013: Version 1.0 initial release.