KK I Like It (Add-ons)

Plugin enables users or guests to like the content of our webpage or a webpage itself. If a user is logged in then all the content will be saved in his widget. However, widget must be added by the an admin.

Statistics showing the number of likes help to you follow what is the most liked on your webapge and which user is the most active.
If you wish, you can also display the username of a person who liked a certain feature together with his/her avatar.

Our plugin has also been equipped in a generator which easily helps to adjut buttons to your website.

The most important features:

* An option to like a post / page
* Detailed settings which allow you to adjust buttons to your website
* Widget that stores all your likes (only for users how signed in)
* Widget with your recent likes
* Widget with your most liked features
* Shortcode with an option which allows to insert a button
* Shortcode which allows you to insert the number of likes for a certain text
* Shortcode which allows a user to insert features that he/she liked (liked features will be visible on user’s profile)
* Overall statistics showing the number of likes
* Detailed statistics
* … and more that are currently under construction


If you are still not convinced – do not buy our plugin as you can try it first by installing a free version:
KKILikeIt Free


All the information regarding plugin updates can be found on my tweeter:
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