Gamification Badge System script (Add-ons)


Gamification Badge system is a bundle for TGplus Social Networking Engine , which give your site a way of gamifying users activities, like when user login,post a status, add people to circle, upload photos, e.t.c , in each activity you can assign unlimited badge to it, For example let award this user when he/she login 5times, we give you the ability to set the icon and name for each badge, you can also use the bundle to build codecanyon badge system type, which also serve as reputation for users on the site.

TGplus Social Network Platform Bundle

This script is a bundle for TGplus social networking platform


1. Add unlimited badges to different kind of user activities on the site

2. Set badge icon and name from the admin panel easily

3. User badges is display everywhere user avatar is display just like codecayon is doing when you mouse over a user

4. Users badges are display on the user profile

5. Much more ….check the demo

Installation and Configuration

And installation and usage instruction is included in the downloaded file


Check the demo here, is either you register or login with this username and password

Username – thedemotester

Password – demotester

Please don’t update the password so that other users can test it using this password

Download Gamification Badge System script (Add-ons)

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