Tgplus Social Networking Engine (Social Networking)

Providing you with a new way of connecting users in a social networking system with our circle system which can contain existing ways like friends,follow,buddy and much more


Tgplus is a social networking platform delivering the building blocks that enable developers, businesses, schools and associations to create their own fully social networks and applications.
TGplus social network platform is a Php script social networking system to let you build your own social networking site like any other one out there. Tgplus comes with the features you need to build your own network, making the system themmable, and the features are in bundle that you can enable or disable the ones you preferred. Tgplus provide you with two type of loading content for your users , normal page loading and the Ajax loading of content, which can be control from the admin panel easily. It utilize twitter bootstrap theme which comes with


including the backend/admin theme and more themes can be added by just replacing the bootstrap css file with any bootstrap theme.

Framework used

TGplus uses the Laravel framework to bring you the clean SEO friendly urls and other features from laravel framework.

Uses of TGplus social Networking Script

Tgplus has so many ways to use it see below

1. Create a complete social networking site

2. Use it in your business and create different communities as a admin for people to talk about each products

3. With the bundle feature of the system , you can remove some or add some to form your own type of social network system

4. Much things can be build using TGplus social networking script………


TGplus social networking script provide you with reach features for you to build your own social networking site

TGplus provide you with new way of connecting users through circle system, which can contains existing ways of connect users like friend,follow e.t.c

1. Realtime activities where user sees post from people in his circles

2. Posting of youtube videos and images

3. Automatic Notification from activities on the site like when someone comment on your post, added you to a circle e.t.c

4. Real time stamps update

5. Comment system on different activities on the site, like on a post

6. Gravatar integration with the possibility to manually upload a profile picture

7. Search Engine to find friends, posts, communities, e.t.c

8. Great Community system, for creating communities as a bundle

9. Adding People to your circles

10. Circle system

11. Deleting your own post

12. Photo system

13. Viewing post activities, people who participate in the post

14. A complete Profile system

15. Share of Posts/communities to people in your circles

16. Changing Profile Cover

17. Loading link title,image and description on each post

18. Hashtags on posts just like in Google+ and in twitter

19. Ajax loading of content / Normal way of loading page(manage by admin)

20. Creation of photo albums

21. Sharing of photos on your profile page

22. Sharing your posts on your profile page

23. Social Authentication System(Facebook,Twitter,Google+)

24. Complete like system like facebook,like posts,communities,users profile e.t.c

25. Url shortener system is also included

26. Themable system where you can change your site theme at any time

27. Find People system is included

28. SEO Friendly Urls by the great framework

29. Gamification bundle is also included to gamify user activities by awarding badges to user
And Much more….

What can Admin do?

The answer is the admin can do a lot , we provide every settings for you to manage the system entirely by your self without telling us to modify or remove one feature, we make it possible for you to remove anything by your self.

1. Every features of the system is in bundle which you can disable or enable you preferred

2. Admin can disable/Enable user registration

3. Admin can disable/enable user getstarted step

4. Admin can change the system theme

5. Admin can edit the site details, icon,logo and details like about ,privacy and terms content page

6. Admin can add different circles for users to follow like friends,Follow,art and science e.t.c and can make any circle global that all users have the circle , like friends and follow circle suppose to be global and even relationship

7. Admin can create different type of user groups like moderator or any other name you can give the group and be able to assign any user to the group. And edit the permission for the group like create,delete,update,edit e.t.c permissions

8. Admin can manage users, edit, delete them

9. Every bundle comes with one or more settings which the admin can set, for example post settings , admin set the limit for listing posts, for community admin can set who can create a community e. t. c.

10. Admin can edit language translation , add more languages e.t.c

11. Admin can globally delete any post on the system, delete communities , users e.t.c

12. And much more ………..

Installation and Configuration

And installation instruction is included in the downloaded file


Check the demo here, is either you register or login with this username and password

Username – demotester

Password – demotester

Please don’t update the password so that other users can test it using this password

Download Tgplus Social Networking Engine (Social Networking)

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