A super simple Contest Plugin for WordPress to create your own Contests.
myContest is 100% responsive. Each and every element including the premium custom created myContest Lightbox. myContest uses the jquery Masonry plugin for dynamic layout of the entries.
Retina Ready
myContest comes retina ready with the custom created jquery retina data plugin. Blazing fast, simple, and tiny (238 bytes!!). All entry images are automatically created to have retina images (no -@2x images needed).
Smart, Easy Settings
The myContest Settings allow users to quickly and easily customize contests. Entries are easy to create, edit, delete, and move (uses drag and drop).
View a tour of the myContest admin area
Settings currently available:
- Sort entries
- Stick to front page (make sticky post)
- Show /Do not show number of votes
- Voting Starts
- Start date and time
- Text to display before voting starts
- Show / do not show entries before voting starts
- Voting End
- Voting End date and time
- Text to display after voting ends
- Show / do not show entries after voting ends
- Show top _ entries after voting ends
Supreme Documentation
Lots of thought and time has gone into the creation of the documentation for myContest. View the documentation here.
Awesome, free Support
Backed by Higher Ground Studio and powered by Github. The myContest support is one of the best available. Safe, secure, and fast. We are there for you! View the Issue Board
Localization Ready
Not only is myContest translation ready with the include .mo, .po. and .pot language files. But also are included the following languages:
- Spanish
If you would like to add a tranlation please submit a new issue on the Issue board under the label localization.
Full Feature List
- Easy to use
- Responsive
- Retina support
- No need to mess with code
- Optimized PHP and JS – Blazing fast execution
- Small footprint – 2 files loaded on frontside. 1 js and 1 css with combined total of 60k.
- Smart, easy settings
- Simple to customize
- Drag and drop entry reordering
- CSS3 Styling and transitions (animations)
- Built with love from the ground up
- Developed with wp-debug turned on (no errors or warnings of any kind)
- Supreme documentation
- Awesome, free, fast, secure support
- Built with SASS and COMPASS (css preprocessor)
- Great looking and theme independent
- Schedule the beginning and end of voting for your Contests
- Revisions support (native)
- Shortcode fallback for unsupported themes (theme not following WordPress coding standards)
- Multi language Support
- WordPress 3.00+
- PHP 5.1.0+
Version 1.1.2 – 5/8/2013
- Intial Codecanyon release
Sources and Credits
All sources and credits of images used for promotion can be found under the Superhero example contest in the myContest Live Preview.
Like all other items on this marketplace you get lifetime updates of myContest. So if you find any bugs in this plugin I would be kindly thankful to get notified so I can fix them using the Issue board.