WP Mobile Splash Page Editor (Utilities)

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font-family: ‘Noticia Text’, serif;
background-color: #d2d1d0;
border: none;
table th,
table td:not(:first-child){
text-align: center !important;
table th, table td{
background-color: #efefef;
WP Mobile Splash Page Editor

WP Mobile Splash Page Editor is a unique solution to design beautiful and efficient landing pages for mobiles. This plugin can transform any WordPress site in a super-fast loading mobile landing page.

Why Using WP Mobile Splash Page?

Nowdays, there is a word you’re hearing everywhere: RESPONSIVE.

Responsive is indeed a very good solution for mobile browsing… in some cases! Do you really need your website to be responsive? Let’s have a look at your options:

WP Mobile Splash Page Compare

What You Can Do

WP Mobile Splash Page Features

What About The Performance?

As explained above, the plugin is optimized for mobile internet. If you’re looking for facts, here is a comparison between a WordPress desktop site and its mobile splash page.

Who Is WP Mobile Splash Page For?

This plugin is dedicated to people and business who want to close deals. Local commerces and services are the perfect example.

Let’s imagine John, home with a bad water leak in his kitchen. John draws his smartphone from his pocket, desperately looking for a plumber ASAP! Now, two scripts are possible:

  1. John types “plumber in manhattan” on Google. He clicks on the first result. Nice looking website! Degrades very gracefully on mobile… Let’s scroll down. Services, References, About Us… DAMN! The kitchen gets flooded harder!
  2. John types “plumber in manhattan” on Google. He clicks on the first result. «Emergency plumber in Manhattan. With 20+ year of experience, Smith & Son is always at your service». John clicks on the telephone button and his phone instantly calls the plumber.

So, which one is best for John’s kitchen ;)

You can add various action buttons in your splash page: phone call, links, email, directions… As you can see, it covers a wide range of targets.

Download WP Mobile Splash Page Editor (Utilities)

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