PHP Weather Forecast is an Ajax driven application which engage the user with features like HTML5 Geolocation, Nice preloader and fade-in animations for result sets and more. It has a unique clean design compatible with mobile devices as well (responsive).
Demo: PHP Weather Forecast Script – Demo
API Request Example: JSON API Request Example
API Documentation: API Documentation
HTML5 GeoLocation with default location fall-back.
Ajaxed weather & forecast search results.
Animated preloader and fade-in effect for results.
Chart with the upcoming weather forecast evolution.
Both °C and °F format with mph & km/h wind format.
JSON API (location, temperature, conditions & more).
5 days for each location, with clean descriptive icons.
Adsense ready (2 adspots available).
Super clean and unique design.
Cross Browser compatible, mobile & tablet responsive.
and more…
and more…
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