Instagram Picture Downloader (Images and Media)

Instagram Picture Downloader is a PHP application/concept used to search and download pictures from:

  • A instagram users timeline – The search depends on the the users instagram handle(eg: @maail) and the amount of their pictures you want to query.(eg:10)
  • By a Hashtag- The search depends on the the hash tag. eg: #flower. And the amount of pages you want to query.(eg:2) . A page contains about 20 pictures.
  • You can view the downloaded pictures with the a lightbox modal effect. You can also delete these pictures. If you want to show these in a grid layout format like Pinterest etc you can try checking out the jQuery Masonry plugin. I haven’t added them since their might be copyright issues.

    This application can be used for a variety of purposes:

    • To make backup of your pictures posted to instagram
    • Download pictures from another user. Due to Instagram API limitations Private/Locked accounts cannot be queried.
    • Download pictures of an event according to a #hashtag.
    • You can make another application out of the Instabackup Class, used to download and sort out the photos. (Which would need the extended license.)
    • The sky is the limit

    If you make anything using the application I would love to hear about it. Send me an email to [email protected]

    Download Instagram Picture Downloader (Images and Media)

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