Multiple SlideShow is a module for content component, K2 component and Virtuemart. This is a module for displaying images in slideshow. You can use this module for showing particular articles or articles in category, section of com_content, for showing articles in com_k2 or displaying chosen products of com_virtuemart. With Multiple SlideShow, you can easily change the displaying interface to suit with your administration through themes of the module.
– Support all browsers (IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, …)
– With Multiple SlideShow you can simply show articles of com_content, com_k2 or products of com_virtuemart that you want your readers to pay attention to, by the slideshow with beautiful effects.
– Display articles by selecting each article, category in com_k2. Display each product, category in com_virtuemart.
– Easily change the displaying interface by selecting theme and set suitable configuration for theme.
– Support link for title.
– Show/hide a part of article: Title, introtext, link title, link readmore…
– Allow/not allow playing slideshows automatically.