Flippy PDF to Flipbook Generator Tool (Images and Media)

Product Description

This web application tool helps to generate a flipbook from any PDF files and manage those books by web interface. A flipbook is a small book with a series of printed images which create the illusion of motion when the pages of the book are rapidly flipped. Typically, a flipbook is held in one hand while the thumb of the other flicks the pages, and the user concentrates on the middle of each page.

You don’t need to have the flash player for this solution, so it should work fine for iPad and other mobile devices.


You can use the result package with any type of server side solution (.Net, PHP, Ruby on Rails, simple html site), so just add an iframe with the follow link: http://flippy-demo1.dev4pro.com/Book/45 (in order to prove of concept) and see how it looks like. The generated package looks pretty the same.


  • V1.0 Released – March 8, 2013

Main Features

  • Multiple file uploading with progress indicator;
  • Generating images with different format and page size from PDF files;
  • Generating thumbnails images for each flip book page;
  • Downloading a package which contains a flip book page images and thumbnails;
  • Thumbnails scroller which supports mobile devices;
  • Ability to add multiple PDF files to the same flipbook;
  • Ability to define PDF multiple range of pages which will be included to a flipbook;
  • Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.2 responsive layout;
  • Live member search by keywords and tags;
  • Ability to create an associations set of flip books;
  • Ability to change the order of a flip book pages by drag & drop;
  • Ability embed flipsets into your website;
  • Ability to add simple tags to uploaded files, flipbooks and flip sets.


  • MS IIS 7/6
  • ASP.NET 4.0 MVC3
  • MS SQL Server 2008 (possible compact edition 4.0)
  • or MySQL 5.x (The InnoDB Storage Engine)

Browser support

The solution is tested and supported in major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox

  • IE 8+
  • Chrome
  • FireFox 3+
  • Opera 11+
  • Safari 5+

Package Content

The package contains:

  • SimpleTools.Flippy.Web – Flipbook generator application
  • SimpleTools.Flippy.Example.Web – Example application ASP.NET MVC3
  • Database.Install.Script- Install SQL script

You can use MS SQL or MySQL. Please see example of connection string in Flippy.Web web.config file.

Install The Application

  1. Create empty database;
  2. Create database user and assign dbo rights to the user;
  3. Execute MS SQL Management Studio and execute Database.Install.Script\InstallDatabase-v1.0.sql
  4. Change connection string in Web.Config file in SimpleTools.Flippy.Web, see example below:

    MS SQL Example:

        value="server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;database=SimpleTools.Flippy;user id=SimpleTools.Flippy; 
        password=SimpleTools.Flippy" />
        <add key="SimpleTools.Flippy.Database.Provider" value="MSSQL"/>    

    MySQL Example:

        <add key="SimpleTools.Flippy.Connetion.String" value="Server=localhost;Database=Flippy;Uid=Flippy;Pwd=Flippy;Allow User Variables=true"/>
        <add key="SimpleTools.Flippy.Database.Provider" value="MySQL"/>
  5. Create web site in IIS or application in virtual directory and copy content of SimpleTools.Flippy.Web folder. Remember that you must use .Net 4.0 application pull.
  6. Add read/write permisson on Books, Files, Thumbs virtual folder for IUSER user.
  7. See Help & FAQ area on the web site.

Support your needs

If you have problems, questions, ideal, etc… Contact me via email [email protected] Please contact us with any questions you may have via the contact form on my author profile page. Updates – Available FREE to existing purchasers.

Download Flippy PDF to Flipbook Generator Tool (Images and Media)

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