Grand Form Builder (Forms)

The “Grand Form Builder” enables you to easily create, share, view and process custom forms. With a few simple clicks you create your forms and attach fields to it, each field having a number of validation rules, condition fields and options readily available. When your form is complete you decide if you want to share it or keep it public. Finally when your clients starts to fill out the form you are able to view and process the retrieved data. All this and not a single line of code is required.

The script is a advanced form controller with support for not only the basic HTML input fields but also for uploading files, sending email and creating advanced likert field controllers.


– Easy and fast interface
– Validation rules such as required, min, max, pattern, unique or custom callbacks.
– All major field types and options available
– Email support for sending email to you when a form is submitted
– File support with validation support of extensions, size and upload folder.
– Sharing forms to specific email addresses
– Stores submitted form data
– Form field sorting
– Headers and description options
– Field conditions


Username: test, password: gfb

Adding select, radio, checkbox use the “Data” field. For each element add key;value;selected where key is the text, value is the input value and selected is if the element should be selected or not. Use new line to add multiple elements.

Download Grand Form Builder (Forms)

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