Globatar allows you to set one image for multiple sites and not set another again. Using a md5 encryption to ensure emails are not visible to the public, Globatar also features an API which site developers can integrate their user’s emails with the Globatar system.
Pimped out with a fully functional account system which includes creating account, login to existing account and forgotten password area. Users can also edit their account: serving their password and email which is linked to their images.
Whats the API?
API allows you to grab information securely from the servers without knowing any server information! You can get the terms, policies and of course users images with a simple – easy to integrate API.
Whats included:
-Login area
-Sign up area
-Recover password from email or username
-Get images using API
-Get your terms using API
-Get your privacy policies using API
-Image uploader
-Email changer
-Password changer
-GIF, PNG, JPG files supported
-Easy install
-Account emails verification